Distribution | Intercept Music

Every Stream Counts.

Every Stream Counts. We push your music to over 80+ service providers in 230+ countries. We collect your royalty money monthly. We give you all the details in interactive graphs, and back them up with every penny of downloadable detail.

We'll hold your hand until each release is out

We'll guide you through our step-by-step process for releasing music. Help is built into every part of the process. We automatically check everything before you submit your music to ensure there are no mistakes.

Real humans will check your submission again before it is released. We're here to take care of you!

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Get the extras that other companies charge for, but we don't

Music is a business of details and it starts with quality control. We hand check every release twice before it goes out. We give you all the extras, including automatic UPC and ISRC codes if you need them and lyric distribution so you’re searchable for Alexa and Google Home.

If you have cover music, we can automatically get the US mechanical license you'll need when you release it.

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Knowledge is power, and we report all of the details

Get daily reports from top DSPs. View a world map and visualize your global streaming performance by region.

View your streaming detail by service provider or track. Dig deeper and see all sources of monthly streaming revenue. Compare tracks over time. It’s all in one place so you can make better decisions.

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We have the extra services you need as your fan base grows

We can produce CDs and help you place them in stores like Amazon and Walmart, submit your new tracks to the curators of over 1,000 genre-specific playlists, and help with non-traditional streaming, like SiriusXM and Music Choice.

Original music and lyrics licensing is available through our partner Rocket Songs.

Rise Above the Noise

Introduce yourself, and we'll schedule a time to discuss the unique ways Intercept Music can help elevate your music career. Let's connect to explore your opportunities.